Thursday, October 20, 2011

Our Hearts and Horses

"Horses leave hoof prints on our hearts" ~Anonymous

My first horse 'Smokey' and I at the gallop

Horses, like people, are individuals. In the past seven years I have owned upwards of fourteen horses. Some have touched my heart more then others, but I have loved them all. Horse owners and lovers alike are a unique breed of people. We learn to embrace even the most challenging and embarrassing times with a smile on our faces, we don't mind dragging manure laden wheelbarrows through snow storms, we know there is no better cure for a bum day then a good gallop across an open field, and above all we have learned to love and respect horses for the awesome creatures they are.

'Tuff' Looking on


Unknown said...

Hey there!
I just found your blog, and I love it!
I followed you :) Your photography is amazing!
Check out my blog, It’s a Love Story and follow me! Please :)

Unknown said...

Beautiful, Lani!!

Love you!

Leilani said...

Thank you :) Rebeka I followed you and Raquel I <3 you too