Sunday, January 15, 2012

Let it Snow!!

My horses are those spoiled indoor kind. You know, the ones who wear blankies and sleazies, and get to come inside to a warm barn with lots of fresh bedding and timed lights.

So when we got a fresh blanket of snow last night, and I took their blankets off and let them romp around in it in the morning they were all fun and games!

First they wanted to eat it . . .
 Brain Freeze? ^

What to do? ^

Really into the whole eating snow thing ^

^ Wild Child


Mikailah Autumn said...

beautiful... :)

Emily said...

They are gorgeous!!! What are their names? I'm saving up for a horse of my own now. (Actually, I'm saving up for all the stuff that is needed to keep a horse, and after I do that, I'll start saving up for a horse.) :-D


Leilani said...

Thank you :) That is so great that you are saving for a horse of your own! Their names are Guess and Royal.